The People's Assembly

I am asking for support, through your time and a signature.

I believe that it's going to be up to the people to change the world we live in. I am doing this to ensure people can become lawmakers and pass laws the people need at a national level. Currently I am working on a National Initiative for Direct Democracy that I plan to have in circulation by the end of January. My goal is to collect 65 million or more signatures that will prove that each person is in favor of Mike Gravel’s legislation:



Link to explain legislation:

YouTube Channel:     Dack Rouleau

Video Title: Mike Gravel: The Failure of Representative Government and the Solution

Please keep in mind that the signatures alone will not make this legislation official. There will still need to be a national election as there is no place to file a national petition. This will get the conversation started for national change. This is solely to organize grassroots support for these two pieces of legislation. By asking if people are in favor of these two pieces of legislation. Then ask if they are a registered voter and if they are a register voter we provide them with a National Voter ID #. After collecting 65 million or more registered voter signatures, only then would a national election be organized to pass these two pieces of legislation into official law. Thanks for all you do! - Shelley Carter -

Steps to implement the process:

Step 1: Educate people with the book:

The Failure of Representative Government and the Solution: A Legislature of the People

Step 2: Form a group of volunteer citizens called Philadelphia 2 or The People’s Assembly.

Step 3: Organize and fundraise for a national vote.

Step 4: Get 65 million people to vote Yes and it will become the law of the land.

Step 5: You will have a system were the people can make their own laws through direct democracy.

My name is Mrs. Carter, I am try passing the CITIZENS AMENDMENT to the CONSTITUTION of the UNITED STATES and the Citizens Legislative Procedures Act. This is Legislation developed by former senator of Alaska Mike Gravel. I believe now is an ideal time to create a People's Assembly (in the book The Failure of Representative Government and the Solution: A Legislature of the People. By; Gravel, Senator Mike. This is referred to as Philadelphia II) to vote on this legislation. I know life sucks right now but if we can educate others on the possibility of Direct Democracy. We have a chance for a better future.

If you are interested, please Email:

Mike Gravel's direct democracy:

Book by Mike Gravel: The Failure of Representative Government and the Solution

Related Links are below:  • Dack Rouleau • Apr 27, 2020

This is a comment by: D. Pearce SSC

A few time stamps:

22:45 - How to get Gravel's proposal for a people's sovereign assembly passed THIS current Congress, who has no interest in sharing power with the people.

32:45 - Critiques on voting and failures of unrepresentative government.

36:30 - Electronic voting, introduction.

44:00 - Legislation-making in a world with a People's Assembly.

55:14 - A People's Assembly isn't a mob, the Congress we have NOW is the mob (Patriot Act, omnibus bills passing in 1 day).

57:45 - Why would a small minority run for office in Congress and Senate if a People's Assembly of the majority would make them obsolete?

1:01:15 - Question on nuclear weapons maintenance and the opportunity costs + US military aggression against China and others

1:05:42 - Americans' cognitive dissonance against China. China doesn't vote & poverty declines. US votes, gets militarism & austerity.

1:08:46 - Why a People's Assembly should get same amount of money appropriate as Congress ran by elected elites, for operational costs.

1:11:25 - Why South Korea's federal election system may be better than US' state/local system that was design to protect slavery.

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