Climate Year Volunteers

Your donations will be a direct gift to volunteer to allow them to work fulltime in our Climate Year program, so the whole Organization can be an efficient mobilization machine!
TCM recently launched a new recruiting initiative to empower full time volunteers to give ONE year for ALL years as part of a strategy to commence a WWII scale mobilization to save civilization.
AND the response has been TREMENDOUS! We quickly DOUBLED our capacity in weeks after we started.
However, not everyone can afford to drop everything and volunteer, so we plan to provide stipends and housing to meet the financial needs of our Climate Heroes in wait!
If 10 people give $50 a month we can provide a stipend for a volunteer who just needs a little extra in addition to a side job to make ends meet.
With 10 people giving $100 a month we can provide a full stipend for a volunteer who has housing!
With 10 people giving $200 a month we can hire a full time volunteer with or without housing!
If these numbers sound large or unmanageable think about what you might currently spend on monthly non-necessities. Maybe it's on Spotify, Netflix, HBO, Cable TV, the extras on your cellphone. What are those worth compared to saving civilization?
What is the cost of a life? A country? An ecosystem?
The Red Cross will do it's best to end suffering after a Hurricane, but the Climate Warriors you fund will do their best to reverse the system that ensures the onslaught record breaking hurricanes.