Coloradans for National Popular Vote

Every vote should matter. However, in two of the last five presidential elections, the candidate who won the national popular vote lost the presidency. Further, in every single presidential election, voters who do not live in "swing states" are almost completely ignored by every major campaign.

This needs to change. Every American's vote should count the same, no matter where they live.

The National Popular Vote is an interstate compact, whereby participating states agree to allocate their electoral votes to the winner of the National Popular Vote, as opposed to the candidate who secures the most votes in their state. This will guarantee that the winner of the popular vote wins the presidency. The compact will take effect when enough states agree to participate, constituting a majority 270 electoral votes.

Colorado joined the compact in March, 2019, but now there is a group of extreme partisans that have put repeal of our progress on the Nov. 2020 ballot. Help us save the popular vote in Colorado!

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