Common Dreams
Common Dreams is a non-profit independent newscenter created in 1997 as a
new media model. One of the first on-line publications, Common Dreams
harnessed the power of the internet, stepped onto the world stage and
created a transformative news network that broke the corporate media’s
monopolistic chokehold on news reporting.
Common Dreams creates
original independent journalism: reporting on the news of the day, and,
publishing the views of the leading progressive voices of our time.
Since its inception, Common Dreams has grown dramatically, building a
vast audience and an on-line community of well-educated thinkers,
dreamers and progressive activists.
We are optimists. We
understand that to assure a meaningful participation by all in a
democracy we must maintain a free press - providing reliable
information, critical thought, and creative ideas. We believe real
change is possible but only if enough well-informed, well-intentioned --
and just plain fed up and fired up -- people demand it. We believe that
together we can attain our common dreams.
Our mission: To inform. To inspire. To ignite change for the common good.