Courage Coalition

Courage is a coalition of the independent left. We are building a pan-Canadian, membership-based organization that attempts to bridge the divide between movement and electoral politics. Specifically, we are founded on the belief that elections can be important and consequential, the left needs non-electoral organizations that are focused on pushing forward social and economic transformation – especially when left parties are in power.

Our organization is a space for learning, teaching and collaboration.

Our organization is a space for planning and engaging in collective political action.

We are committed to being inclusive and we are striving to foster a culture of respect and solidarity.

We are a movement, not a party.

We have members inside and outside of the NDP.

We are a work in progress that you can help shape and direct.

Our goals are:

  • Democratic economic control
  • An inclusive society
  • Working with our environment
  • International solidarity
  • Decolonization and self-determination
  • Inclusive and asymmetrical federalism

Our Actions

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