Family Caucus

Family Caucus in an intentional effort to provide a space for ongoing support and organizing skills to family members that want to have a strong advocacy impact in their communities. Family Caucus members will receive advocacy tools and ongoing support from both the Recovery Advocacy Project and Partnership to End Addiction.

Family members play an integral role in building a strong recovery advocacy movement.

The Family Caucus will periodically (virtually) convene to create a space where family members can have a learning collaborative with workshops, discussions, and trainings.

The Family Caucus can also be a space for family members of loss can support one another.

Join the Family Caucus to get updates on grassroots campaigns that impact family members and the recovery community, in addition to announcements of Family Caucus meetings and workshops.

Recovery Advocacy Project has volunteer-run State Organizing Teams in many states across the country. Organizing Teams that include a family member would also be invited to participate in the Family Caucus for additional support and building of advocacy skills.

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