FFF Dispute Transformation
Fridays for Future Dispute Transformation Vision
The vision/goal is to understand what happened and to integrate the understanding to move forward with an expanded view. This process is life affirming and supports reflection, accountability and restoration in service of the greater good.
Society History Propaganda and Exclusion
The greed to control others has been ongoing for centuries and Fossil Fuels started with Coal in the 1830s. This includes the use of propaganda from people in power, including Climate Science Denial and Delay when 'The Science Is Clear!'.
This annihilation of the truth causes confusion between us, often not being able to separate lies from truths. This will cause exclusion. Therefore it is important for our individual transactions to use methods as close to science as possible, using well grounded sources and specific detailed incidents which becomes feedback and enables learning. General comments without sources are just hear-say and undermine community trust. On top of this if we are prepared to spread public general, ungrounded criticism without warning and directly questioning those affected we are behaving in an excluding way.
The effort to build a functioning society is far more than the easy to undermine it. Therefore we need to be careful with how we enable trust into the hands of liars which undermine our institutions.
Relatively easy to see when prepared, no warning, no details, no sources, just hear-say and rumor, no willingness to discuss with the victim, no willingness to use dispute transformation, a wrecking ball, using exclusion and hate,
You are unlikely to convince those that are very affected by propaganda: Worldview Backfire Effect. While the less affected can be prepared with a type of mental vaccine, aka as inoculation. These Inoculation methods to make sure real facts are not overridden by Fake news!
Exclude the Excluders
In order for us to offer a safe inclusive community, we will need to exclude those that exclude. That is, those that are willing to exclude and not undertake the dispute transformation process.
Liberalism leads to attitudes which enable extreme inequality and therefore to fascism and war.
Martin Luther:
'Peace is more important than all justice; and peace was not made for the sake of justice, but justice for the sake of peace.'
Movement History: What can and often happens?
Since movements began they have been differences of opinion on how and what to do, even when the movement goals were the same.
Suffragette descendant, academic and activist, Helen Pankhurst, 'The constitution lot thought it would delay, the antics of the Suffragettes, the militancy, would put people off, and was dangerous and detrimental to the cause, and the Suffragettes thought that this slowly, slowly, quietly, whatever, was just kowtowing and part of the problem, very much part of the problem. Women themselves following those views were part of the problem.'.
This can be seen in Extinction Rebellion and probably all movements. We need a process to handle disputes.
It important to acknowledge that when a person joins a 'movement', especially in a voluntary capacity, they join with their 'heart'. This is extremely important especially as it generates empathy with others. On top of climate being such a serious issue, this can create very serious mental health consequences for each individual. Joining a movement with your heart, also means each individual is more likely to fall into the trap of 'believing' they are 'right'.
In every decision taken, there are often several sides. We will always disagree. How do we disagree agreeably? This is the work of Dispute Transformation.
Exclusion does not normally lead to diversity
Until we are winning quickly and well, diversity of methods is key to finding better methods and rapid societal change. Therefore as soon as a person has assumed that only their method is good enough, or that another person's method is wrong, then they are more than likely already wrong.
Why use Dispute Transformation?
This Dispute Transformation process is a way to resolve natural differences that occur.
Factual Recitation is a process to enable us to 'disagree agreeable'.
The writer owns the Factual Recitation and can use it as they choose. It is wise use the 'advice' process, so we learn how to share your Factual Recitation well. Also, the factual recitation is normally only shared on a person to person basis and is best only personally shared from the owner directly to each person.
PHASE 1 Seeking an FFF Dispute Transformation support process.
Send an email to conflicttransformation@fridaysforfuture.org with your dispute.
PHASE 2 Factual Recitation subjective view
1. Describe what you think went wrong in the process. Please only describe the process, without naming any party. The intention here is no name, no shame, no blame.
2. Then please describe how you think it shall work, if you were decide on your own?
It is useful to have your subjective view of the situation. This becomes an early version of the Factual Recitation. FFF Dispute Transformation may support you in this process and will not spread what you write without your permission.
PHASE 3 Feedback Process to broaden the Factual Recitation
Do you want to share your subjective Factual Recitation view of the situation with the parties you are disputing with? The feedback process shall enable the parties to integrate the understanding to move forward. The goal is for the Factual Recitation to build a common view.
. one or several people. And if you would like to talk to a person outside of the dispute.
PHASE 4 Fork and Member Assembly
Member assembly, Citizen Assemblies of members
Fork separation while being able to disagree agreeably.
PHASE 5 Sharing the Factual Recitation.
Here is a suggestion of how to share with individuals or small groups:
'Are you aware that they have been disputes within Fridaysforfuture, similar to in many movements? You can read more in the FFF Dispute Transformation Process: https://actionnetwork.org/groups/fff-dispute-transformation/
(Add a personal sentence about why climate and/or ecocide is important to you and your work.)
Some people dispute my work and this has created rumors. These rumors have been proved to be false. If these rumors come up in some way, please feel free to share this. If you would like to know more details, you can read the factual recitation. This would be on the condition that if you wish to share it further then you request me to do this.'
If you decide to share the Factual Recitation then it is wise to say if you asked for feedback from the disputing parties and if you have received a response. And encourage the person to accept the Vision Proposal to show their understanding to the FFF Dispute Transformation process.
Movement Learning, Support and Background
This is a relatively new process being used by Extinction Rebellion and Fridays For Future within the area of Regenerative Culture.
The dispute transformation group has not been fully set up, so the process is changing and developing. We do see a need for dispute transformation. We thank you for your patience. It is completely your decision to participate or not.
email: conflicttransformation@fridaysforfuture.org
Disinformation and Witches:Witch hunts increased the churches' popularity FEAR can work
Printing press tools for hate to begin with:
Comparison Witches, Institutional Child abuse and Climate denial
Gaslighting, Master suppression and Harskar teknek
Inoculation of lies:
1. emissions have gone down, with counting xxx
2. CCS is works and will be in time
3. Atomic energy works and will be in time
Subsidizing death and war
Climate public opinion and agreement
'... 69% of the global population expresses a willingness to contribute 1% of
their personal income, 86% endorse pro-climate social norms and 89%
demand intensified political action... the
world is in a state of pluralistic ignorance, wherein individuals around
the globe systematically underestimate the willingness of their fellow
citizens to act. '
This page is still growing
References Resources Sample History Version Information:
References Resources
Propaganda Goal Garry Kasparov
Denial101x MOOC
Worldview Backfire Effect - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CtSk03efSqQ
Inoculation Theory - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K3YngyVdyrI
FFF Manual Home page: Friday for Future Workgroups, Manuals and Documents
Insight into Feminist Transformative justice
Dispyt 1 jobb svenska
Science of feedback supports learning and improved understandings. Chaos from diversity which create patterns from feedback.
Movement diversity relies upon trust.
Dunning Kruger effect
are particularly susceptible because of a lack of written planning or
estimation of the problem, so with time it glides away and consequences
harder to track. Or they remain silent because they feel like they are
insufficient. Or they jump into a position of attack for fear of being
bullied. They may not know they have been affected by propaganda.
Projection also a tool of the powerful.
Limbaugh asserted that ''the
Four Corners of Deceit are government, academia, science, and the
media.'' page 111, The Death of Truth.
Democracy - exec, legislative, judiciary, - education and media. page 171
XR Dealing with Harmful Behaviour
XR Global Support Regen Conflict Resilience
Psychologists for future
Feedback please: FFF Dispute Transformation Manual v4 Summary
Version 4: 2023 July: Society Propaganda and Exclusion draft added Janine O'Keeffe.
Version 3: 2023 June: Factual Recitation process and email updated Janine O'Keeffe, Ken Batts, Lena S
2: 2022 March: The conflict transformation process was renamed to
dispute transformation. Dispute was seen as less serious than conflict
and it was agreed to be positive for people to bring their issues
earlier. Janine O'Keeffe, Tom, Lena