
Below is an overview of suggested texts and images for map promotion posts on social media.
Proposed social media are (but not limited to):
Tiktok (Tiktok video's should reflect the same message)
Text 1:
Use of the #FridaysForFuture #map has been declining. After talking to some people we found out not many people know what the @FridaysForFuture map is for. The next few weeks we will inform you what the FFF map is for and why it's important!
Keep watching this channel!
Text 2:
The #FridaysForFuture #map works to connect @Fridays4Future activists. If you put your actions on the map other activists can find you and you can find them!
Are you registered? Keep recording here: https://www.gamechanger.eco/action/start
If not, register here: https://fridaysforfuture.org/action-map/register-report-strikes/
Text 3:
Did you know journalists look on the #FridaysForFuture #map to find activists to interview? Make sure your local groups email is on the map so journalists can find your local group!
Check if your email is up on the map: https://map.fridaysforfuture.org/map?c=&d=&o=&m=2
Text 4:
Scientists use anonymized #FridaysForFuture #map #data for studies. The results of these studies can help @FridaysForFuture grow and gain impact on global politics! In other words being on the map helps grow #ClimateAction !
Text 5:
Do you want to show many people demand #ClimateJustice?
Put your strike on the map! The #FridaysForFuture map WG will reinforce the climate movements to spread its message to scientists, journalists, politicians and other FFF activists.
Are you registered? Keep recording here: https://www.gamechanger.eco/action/start
Or register here: https://fridaysforfuture.org/action-map/register-report-strikes/
Text 7:
Dear climate activists,
Due to the increase of climate actions around the globe, and the inability to record, track and count each action, @FridaysForFuture has created a tool to facilitate that for all activists. Record your actions here: https://map.fridaysforfuture.org/map?c=&d=&o=&m=2
Text 8:
Hey, climate activists, we heard you wish there was a place to record all your actions and view others' actions, too. So, #map has been created to help you do just that. Click on the link to make your every action count as well as connect with others. https://fridaysforfuture.org/action-map/register-report-strikes/