FFF+ Map Slack Solidarity Project

Welcome to the home of the FFF+ Map Slack Solidarity project!  

Your work on the project will be to find social media posts about actions taken by local climate groups—demonstrations, workshops, school visits, tree plantings, community clean-ups, etc.—and share these posts to large climate social media groups, in order to increase solidarity and awareness. You will learn the quite easy process of sharing, recording, registering and appreciating one or more local groups and their social media posts.

Explaining our project’s name:

“FFF+” = “FFF plus” = FFF and all other organizations we work with, which is all climate and social justice groups that align with our values as described in the Vision Statement:


“Map”: The world map that is a record of climate actions around the world since FFF was formed. The data can also be viewed as a database (“Lists”)

"Slack": Slack is the communication app we use to run our project. Below you’ll find instructions for joining us on Slack.

“Solidarity”: “Solidarity refers to the ties in a society that bind people together as one.” — Definition from Wikipedia

By sharing posts and building the map—the record of climate actions—we build solidarity. Each of us becomes a “steward” to one or more local groups. As steward you will share the posts of a local group and record their actions. We want to put all local climate groups on the map, strengthen their voices, help them communicate with each other/find each other, and let the world know about their work. We can use the map to show journalists the vast extent of local climate action.

Here is the information on local climate groups in map form:


And here is the same information in list form (listed by country and locale):




We keep track of active local groups. We find posts they’ve made about actions they take—demonstration, workshop, school visit, tree planting, community clean-up, etc.—and we share these posts to large climate social media groups, in order to increase solidarity and awareness. We express our appreciation for the work done by the local group.

You need two terms, "steward" and "guide." A steward is assigned one or more local climate groups. The steward amplifies these groups' voices by sharing their social media posts widely to larger climate social media sites. Stewards also record each action post on Game Changer, our app that inputs information to the map and lists.

A guide's job is to help stewards. connect them to groups (contact information, links to social media, Action Network, Slack, GameChanger), train them, support them. Each steward will be assigned a guide.

I recommend starting by contacting one of our guides (contact me at kenbatts1@gmail.com, I'll connect you). This all seems kind of complicated but it’s not nearly as complicated as it seems. Best explained by a person! Contact information is in Appendix Two below.

To do once:

—Join Action Network: Action Network is the app that stores necessary information for the project, including this document.


—Sign Vision Statement: Signing the FFF Slack Vision Statement simply tells us you agree with our basic ethos and operating principles (Everyone is welcome, non-violence, non-discrimination, etc.)


When you’ve signed the Vision Statement, you will be invited by FFF International to join Slack, our communications app.

Download Slack:

For Mac: https://slack.com/downloads/mac

Windows: https://slack.com/downloads/windows

Join Slack workspace “ClimateAction organizing including FFF”  

Join the channel #fffmapsolidarity-project  

To do once for each group you steward:  

To get started, we can give you names and links for local climate groups who are or who have been active. If you have groups you’re interested in you can steward those. You can also find groups on your own. Check in GameChanger (link below) if the group is registered, and if it’s being recorded. Talk with one of the project coordinators (listed below under “contacts”) about this.

Start with one or just a few groups. Once you’ve gone through the process with a single group, you can add groups. Each one will only take a few minutes a week.  

Register the group you want to steward

(There’s a good chance your group is already registered, which means this whole section is unnecessary for you, you can jump down to “Record.” If the group is not registered, I recommend doing this with one of our coordinators, it’s a bit tricky doing it on your own for the first time.)

Check in GameChanger if the group is registered. Go to:


In Location Search tab, enter location. If they’re registered, they’ll appear at their location.

Or, you can look on the map: https://fridaysforfuture.org/map/

Or in the list, which contains the same information about groups as the map: https://map.fridaysforfuture.org/lists

If the group is not registered, register it:


That link takes you to a page that says “Register and Report Your Strikes.” When you register a group it becomes known to us. “Report” is the same as “record” and that word applies to individual events. You will only be using the form to register the group, use their most recent event to complete the form)  

Registering is probably the most difficult part. The form is a bit strange! Put “weekly” for all groups (Once applies only to special events, not relevant to us). Put your own email as contact person. Just fill it out the best you can, everything can be changed later. If you get stuck, message me, I guarantee you I can get you moving again!

When you contact your group, Introduce yourself as a volunteer with FFF International who will be registering, recording and sharing their work on the FFF map and on social media. Thank them for their work. Let them know how recording will help the climate movement by amplifying the voices of active climate groups. They don’t need to respond; you can record their actions with our without their permission or agreement. We are like journalists, recording events of interest to us. Any event appearing on a public social media account can be shared.


If you want help finding a group, scroll down to Appendix Two: Contact information and contact one of the coordinators, we’ll help you locate a group.

The local activist group’s social media account has to be public in order for us to share their posts. The project spreadsheet, still growing, lists over a hundred local groups:

                                      Local Climate Group Spreadsheet

Start sharing with our hashtag #FFFMapSolidarity: There is a list of groups to share to in Appendix One below. When you use the hashtag we can find your share and record it. As soon as you can, please start doing your own recording.

Find your group in GameChanger, our recording app:  


Record date, number of people, organization name, link to social media. Don’t worry about getting things exact, in other words do the best you can with the information you have. Recording can be done in advance or after the event. You can record what you have in advance and edit, add URL, etc. after the event. If you don’t know the number, put a very rough guess (1, or 10, or 100). This can be changed after the event. The URL can be of the completed event or of the announcement of the event.  


To start sharing, contact a coordinator who will help you find a group and get started stewarding.

Sharing from Facebook to Facebook is very easy. So is sharing from Instagram to Facebook (by sharing or copying link), and X to Facebook, by copying the link. You can share posts to any appropriate location you want. When you share, be sure to include the hashtag #FFFMapSolidarity so we can see how the project is doing, and to increase connectivity between active local climate groups.


Local groups need to see that they are a part of something bigger, That they are being noticed, and the public need to see more posts about local actions. So please develop as large a pool of places to share as you can.  

Example of appreciation:


We hope this effort by lots of volunteers will result in a bigger, more interconnected climate action network. Any problems that arise, please contact us in the slack channel.


GameChanger start page:


Project Training Video by Rose:https://www.canva.com/design/DAFq4IeSOos/0kP43iq_1qoQYXJ7fSIvCQ/edit

Zoom meeting Janine The weekly project meeting is Sundays at 15.00 UST:


Register a group:


The FFF International map:    


Lists of local groups by country:


Agree to this Vision proposal to gain more support


Local Groups Spreadsheet. Use this to enter your group and or your name as steward of a group (a coordinator can help with this):


Calendar (shows the meetings and other events of the project.)



Appendix One: Places to share to:

Facebook Groups:

Local Climate Action News:


Fridays For Future Greta Thunberg #Climatestrike #FFFMapSolidarity #FFF:


The Greta Effect:


The Greta Thunberg Effect:


Look After the Earth:


Rise for Climate:


Facebook Page:

Fridays for Future International: (remember to switch back to Ken Batts after sharing with them)



Appendix Two: Contact info for the project

Ken Batts, Internal Coordinator:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ken.batts.9

Email: mailto:kenbatts1@gmail.com

WhatsApp: +1 (617) 962-5352

Slack: @Ken Batts

Rose McHale, External Coordinator:


Email: mailto:Rose@MystyMountainEclectic.com

Slack: @Rose McHale


Guide Reinventing Organizations
FFF Vision proposal and alternative FFF Heidelberg Core Values
Home: FFF Manuals and Documents

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