Fight For Reform
The Supreme Court’s 2010 Citizens United v. FEC decision completely changed the landscape of American politics -- it opened the door for billionaires, corporations, and special interests to spend unlimited, untraceable money to influence our elections.
Fight For Reform is a project of End Citizens United. We focus on electing champions of campaign finance reform to state government, and passing reform ballot initiatives to create immediate change in states around the country.
At a time when special interests and billionaires own every level of government more thoroughly than ever, our mission is essential. We seek out opportunities for timely victories that don’t just change their states, but also send a nationwide message that voters are demanding reform now.
Fight For Reform is organized as a non-federal 527 committee. We disclose our receipts and disbursements to the IRS. You can view our latest disclosure here.
Say hello anytime at or on our Facebook and Twitter.