Scope Zero

Our mission: To prevent Fracking in communities across the UK

We work with communities, individuals, and organisations to turn their environmental values into tangible actions, whilst highlighting the impacts of modern life on the environment and identifying the solutions needed to solve those problems.

In 2017 we launched a declaration campaign against fossil fuels and took the representation of thousands of signatures to the heart of British politics.

In 2019, we succeeded in achieving a moratorium on Fracking in the UK.

Now we go again...

We call for an immediate ban of fracking and all onshore unconventional oil and gas exploration and production, including coal bed methane and acid stimulation

We believe that continuing to develop a new onshore oil and gas industry in the UK will result in unacceptable negative impacts on the climate, public health, the environment, local communities, and the economy.

The greenhouse gas emissions resulting from any new onshore oil and gas exploration and production will increase climate change at a time when the UK needs to be investing heavily in clean renewable energy and moving rapidly towards a low-carbon economy.

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