French Coalition Against the Death Penalty (FCADP)

Who we are

Imagine living 23 / 24h in a cage, alone, without seeing the sky, without having social interaction. It is the daily life of thousands of Americans herded like cattle on death row, often for decades, waiting to be slaughtered. It's hard to believe what's going on inside the lives of these individuals in 2020! And yet ...

Our primary motivation is to return the living conditions to prisoners on American death row by working with the DOC (Department of Correction) to bring about changes and concrete measures directly related to the needs of the inmates.

The priority is to improve the sanitary conditions and the general treatment of detainees in these establishments where viruses and diseases spread due to the dilapidated premises and where human rights are violated every day. We are campaigning for the abolition of the death penalty in the USA, but we are aware that it will take time and it is URGENT for these men and women to live in descent human conditions.

To go further, we want to defend the rights and the good treatment of all American prisoners. Access to care, support for psychologically affected detainees, low-cost food, leisure activities allowing mental equilibrium to be maintained, visiting conditions allowing family and friendly links to be maintained, financial support for totally isolated detainees. We want to put an end to the abusive solitary confinement still far too prevalent in the United States and destroying detainees on the physical and mental level.In summary we want to return to the American prison population descent living conditions and protect their rights through actions and concrete and rapid measures!

Our Actions

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