Fridays For Future Names
Fridays for Future Names
'Everybody is welcome, Everybody is needed!'
Finding a name to suit your Local Group is important.
Local Autonomy and naming together enables separation when needed, while also enabling solidarity.
Many towns have several options, for example:
School strike 4 Climate
Fridays for future Youth
Youth 4 Climate
Fridays for Future Everybody
Parents for Future
Oldies for Future or Seniors for Future
Some of these have their own logos. Many will use one logo sometimes and another logo other times.
Fridays for Future Logo Goal
The Fridays for future logo's primary goal is for outsiders to feel invited in, included and comfortable
Could we think of each work and local group being the custodian of our logo, rather than an owner?
Fridays for Future Separation Needs Local Group
Support: Youth and school strikers may be also supported by a Fridays for Future local or national work group and their ‘own’ parents.
If there is a need for a work group to be ‘separated’ by sex, sexual identity, race, age or another reason, this is understandable. It is best shown in the name of the work group, so as to reduce confusion for outsiders.
Size: Work groups are best sized at 6 people and work poorly beyond 12 people. Therefore if a sub group feels the need for ‘separation’ then this need shall not be seen as discrimination, because this is filling a potential ‘need’. For example, some people may need to have a smaller groups to work with to strengthen their own voice. This can lead to discrimination if they are ‘hindering’ the work of another group. Local autonomy of all groups is important.
_ A Useful example __________________________
School name is
Separation may be needed in the age ‘youth’, often classified as age 19-29 years.
Such names as, Fridays for Future Youth town or country or Youth Strike 4 Climate town or country. Also, by starting from 19 years, the school children are not directly exposed to issues which can be difficult, without the support of adults and parents.
School children may also choose to start a School strike 4 Climate, which often need to ask for more support.
Sample for logos:
Fridays for Future Gretas Gamlingar (Greta Senior followers)

Fridays For Future Contact Information, References, and Version Information
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This page, Home of FridayforFuture Workgroups, Manuals and Documents
Version Information
Draft: Janine O'Keeffe 2023, May