'Everybody is welcome! Everybody is needed!'
Fridays for Future is a movement.
Fridays for Future School Climate Assemblies ( also known as School Assemble 4 Climate)
To reach into each school and offer a method to lift climate science based deliberation as a form of democracy and enable respectful group decision making.
The School Climate Assemblies are based on the Extinction Rebellion Citizen Assembly method.
- Dissemination of Facts
- Direct questioning
- Deliberation
- Decision Making
On offer:
- 1 hour School Climate Assembly training, Goal is Climate Emergency Declaration.
(from individual level to groups up to 15 people)
- 1 Day School Climate Assembly, Goal is a deep Climate Emergency Declaration, with a goal to create a plan to influence the entire class or school within a month, include 90 minutes on each of the four steps.
- 1 Week, School Climate Assembly, Goal is a deep Climate Emergency Declaration, with a goal to create a plan to declare as a group influence the entire class or school within a month, include 90 minutes on each of the four steps.
- 1 month
Friday for future has had a great response from young people and many of them are
permanent members of this movement.
School and education in general are essential elements of social transformation, change and provide the initial training of democracy.
How can schools contribute to this?
A distinction must be made between schools that have so far not taken up this topic or only
very sporadically, often through the initiative of individual teachers, rarely with active
participation / support from the school management.
Other schools already have a long experience in the field of education for sustainable
development, this is part of the school curriculum and / or the school program, projects and
plans are a regular part of everyday life at these schools, the school management promotes
and actively shapes this.
In most countries, some of these schools have been members of ESD school networks for
many years; here are examples:
• The Eco / Green school network of the FEE (Foundation for Environmental Education),
which is supported worldwide by the NGO partner organizations of the FEE.
• State-owned ESD networks (School of the Future, Environmental Schools, ESD Schools in
Germany) Eco-Log Schools in Austria, Green Schools of China, etc.
• The world-wide active UNESCO project schools
• School development initiatives such as “ Schule im Aufbruch” Schools on the way to future
• The previous winners of corresponding school awards in general and specifically on ESD
and climate change
For these more experienced schools, this project wants to open up another opportunity to
promote ESD and climate education as a strong element in the school.
Project idea / philosophy
In school as a place of social interaction, pupils must be able to play an active role. Education
for Sustainable Development aims to support students in acquiring the necessary knowledge
about current and future problems and their solutions, but above all to promote the
development of the skills necessary for a sustainable future life. An essential element of
shaping the future is social and political participation, making one's own decisions and
supporting this in the political society and actively participating in shaping it. Parliaments
and other forms of political participation play a special role here, alongside demonstrations
and civil disobedience.
Through the establishment of school parliaments and assemblies on the area of climate, the
pupils are offered an active and largely self-administered opportunity for decision-making
and participation.
These instruments should be accompanied by competent moderators. This pilot project
should make a contribution to this:
• Which forms of address work well?
• How can the processes and elements be designed for the young people?
• How to guarantee that the young people are in control of the process (Students in the
driver seat!)?
• Which support and financing can be anchored in the long term?
• ...
As an international element, a European Youth Climate Parliament could be established with
delegates from the schools of the participating countries in cooperation with the European
Parliament. Through liaison with the United Nations, a youth assembly with delegates could
be held annually in the future. These are visions for the future, but should be considered
right from the start.
Supporters / partners