Generation Housing
Generation Housing is a nonprofit housing advocacy organizing committed to increasing the supply, diversity, and affordability of housing in Sonoma County.
The fires of 2017 exacerbated what was already a housing crisis in Sonoma County. Despite some policy advancements, there are still roadblocks and opposition to the development of much-needed housing. Generation Housing is incubated by cross-sector leaders representing healthcare, education, environment, and business who agree that a housing advocacy organization to promote housing policy and educate the public is a crucial missing component in our local housing development.
We envision vibrant communities where everyone has a place to call home and can contribute to an equitable, healthy, and resilient Sonoma County.
Our partnership champions opportunities to increase the supply, affordability, and diversity of homes throughout Sonoma County. We promote effective policy, sustainable funding resources, and collaborative efforts to create an equitable, healthy, and resilient community for everyone.
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