IATSE Young Workers

The International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees represents a wide variety of trades and crafts in the entertainment industry with a membership as wide and varied. Inspired by a growing push to engage young union members across North America, the IATSE Young Workers was formed January 2012 to give our young union members a greater understanding of the responsibilities of leadership and encourage their active participation in the IATSE.

Appointed by IATSE International President Loeb and recruited through the membership, the Young Workers Committee is the core group of members behind the Young Workers initiatives, including our IATSE Young Workers Conferences in 2012 (Philadelphia, PA), 2014 (Portland, OR), and 2016 (Atlanta, GA). The conferences have rigorous education schedules aimed at empowering young members to best represent the IATSE in their local unions and on the jobsite or workplace.

The IATSE YWC will work with this mission and three goals always in mind:

1. Be part of something bigger.
2. Teach practical membership skills.
3. Identify young active members.

At the local level, our young workers run food drives, organize phone banks, volunteer their skills within the community, organize fellow entertainment workers, show solidarity with other unions, and bring education opportunities to their locals.

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