Four Villages Campaign

The Four Villages Campaign works with the Bedouin Villages of Um al-Hiran and Al-Araqib in the Negev desert of Southern Israel, and the Palestinian villages of Susya and Um al-Kheir in the Occupied Territories, to end unjust demolitions. These villages have reached out to us because they face regular threats of imminent demolition from the Israeli Government. We work in tandem with these four communities and a network of NGO's in Israel, the Occupied Territories and abroad to address the various challenges arising from demolitions. This campaign is co-sponsored by an ad hoc group of ideologically diverse Jewish and other organizations, including All That’s Left, The Center for Jewish Nonviolence, Haqel (The Field) - Jews and Arabs United For Human Rights, Jewish Alliance For Change, Jewish Voice For Peace, Solidarity of Nations - Achvat Amim, Rebuilding Alliance, and Ta’ayush.

A previous letter campaign, to stop the demolition of Um al-Hiran and Atir, was sponsored by the Jewish Coalition for the Negev Bedouin, an ad hoc group of ideologically diverse Jewish and other organizations, both American and Israeli, who oppose the demolition of the "unrecognized" Bedouin villages, the forced relocation of their residents by the Israeli government, the building of new Jewish communities and the planting of a Jewish National Fund (JNF) forest on their ruins. We believe that the government should recognize and develop these and other "unrecognized" Bedouin villages, or find another solution that is acceptable to the Negev Bedouin and treats them as equal citizens. The villages of Um al-Hiran, Atir and Al-Arakib are among those now facing the greatest danger.

Lead sponsors of the Jewish Coalition for the Negev Bedouin included Rabbis for Human Rights, T'ruah: The Rabbinic Call for Human Rights, and the Jewish Alliance for Change/Campaign for Bedouin-Jewish Justice. For inquiries, contact

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