Johnny Akzam Campaign Committee

Rochester, MN

This is just the beginning. We have just gotten started. If you would like to join our team and continue with the revolution that erupted among us "ordinary" Americans, please contact us. We are not here to run an Anti-Anything campaign. Everyone is done talking about the wounds from 2015-16.

We must move with #ForwardProgress. Our campaign is going to draw a contrast between our message and the rhetoric of the Establishment. But we are not running against anyone. We are running for ourselves, for our children, and our grandchildren.

This Campaign Committee currently consists of people of all ages, from 16 to 60+ and everywhere in between. And as our message gets out to the people of our district, we are confident they will feel renewed hope in those of us that have taken up the call to arms, to fulfill our duty to our neighbors, to be the type of people we want to live next to ourselves.

I don't know about you...but I am tired of all the selfishness in the world. I always have been. That's why, when I heard a certain message in 2015, I was drawn to it, just like millions of our brothers and sisters across the nation were.

That dream is not over. It has just begun. WE will not let Super PACs and corporate money silence our voices or our votes. The true power is with the people. We must #RevealAndReplace the corrupt corporate leaders in Washington D.C.. They tried to douse the flames in the 2016 DNC Primary, but it Berns on through the infernos of our hearts. We Bern with a new passion of hope for the strength of the "common person".

This campaign is going to join the DFL of Minnesota, after much consideration and deliberation. We feel the DFL of MN is far more Progressive than the national DNC and we experienced accurate election results. Navigating the DFL Primary will be nothing like what Bernie Sanders went through in the 2016 DNC Presidential Primary. This is not a sign of unity with the Democrat's Party. This is an attempt to welcome in as many in the district as would like to be involved.

Regardless of the parties of politics, we are determined to focus on the constituency; the people that are sending us up to Washington D.C. to carry the message of WE the People.

Our Actions

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