Julia Brownley for Congress

Julia Brownley for Ventura County

After working in the private sector, Julia entered public service because she wanted to help local children receive the high-quality education they deserve. Following her service on her local school board, she was elected to the California State Assembly, where she served as Chairwoman of the Committee on Education.

Julia was elected to Congress in 2012 and has been focusing on the issues important to Ventura County families — increasing opportunities for middle-class families, bringing down healthcare costs, making higher education more affordable, preserving and protecting our environment, making sure our veterans receive the services they deserve, protecting Social Security and Medicare, and ensuring equality for all.

As the leading Democrat on the Veterans’ Affairs Health Subcommittee, Julia worked with local stakeholders to get a bill signed into law that will expand our local veterans community clinic by nearly seven times its original size — as well as to increase the number of healthcare providers and the breadth of services available to our veterans. As a member of the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, she was able to pass a surface transportation bill that will provide more funds to invest in our crumbling infrastructure. She has also been a consistent advocate for women and working families, including fighting to close the wage gap, raise the minimum wage, and expand job training and education assistance.

Julia is committed to staying above the partisan gridlock in Washington, and she has a strong record of working with both Democrats and Republicans to get things done for Ventura County. Some of her bills signed into law with bipartisan support include legislation to make an Oxnard veteran eligible to receive the Medal of Honor, evaluate which suicide prevention and mental health programs best serve women veterans, help more veterans succeed in the job market after their service, and ensure equitable funding for the Port of Hueneme.

She has consistently delivered for Ventura County, including helping more than 6,000 constituents with casework and returning more than $16 million in benefits owed to Ventura County residents.

Our community — and our economy — need Julia Brownley in Congress, continuing to stand up for the people of Ventura County.

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