Fayetteville, NC
Loyal Designz

On Saturday January 8th, Jason Walker was shot and killed in Fayetteville, NC. His killer was not arrested and remains free today. We know that Jason was an unarmed pedestrian. We know that he was killed by an armed man in a red Ford F150 Truck. We also know that the Fayetteville Police Department refused to arrest the killer, Jeffrey Hash, most likely because he was an off-duty Sheriff's Deputy. JASON'S KILLER WAS NOT EVEN ARRESTED!!. JASON IS DEAD, JASON'S FAMILY AND SON MOURN AND HIS KILLER IS STILL FREE. Instead of arresting the killer as they would in every other case, Chief Hawkins of the Fayetteville Police Department punted to the SBI and Special Prosecutor Kim Spahos of the powerful NC Conference of District Attorneys. This group usually operates far from the light of public awareness.  The Conference of DAs has previously opposed notable legislation such as the Racial Justice Act (2009) and House Bill 424 which would have eliminated life without parole for juveniles. We CANNOT let them make this decision in the dark. Please help us by sending a letter to Kim Spahos, demanding that she value Jason Walkers life by prosecuting his killer. Please urge her to do what Chief Hawkins and DA West (Cumberland County DA) should have done back on January 8th. Please help us fight for Justice for Jason Walker. We are sending this letter to express that JASON's LIFE MATTERED. . please send this letter and SHARE THIS STORY until the world knows about how this loving father and humble man was killed in cold blood. His FAMILY and his Community need your help!! #justice4JasonWalker

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