Malaya Movement USA & GABRIELA USA

The Malaya Movement USA is a grassroots and people powered movement of individuals and organizations, who uphold, defend, and assert human rights, democracy, and sovereignty in the Philippines which are expressed through the following organizational principles of:

1. Democracy: We stand for democracy that is founded on full participation of the broad majority of the Filipino people. We uphold the necessity of institutions in a democratic society such as media, institutions of faith and education to exist without repressive interference from the government, military, or other civil bodies. We denounce the practice of political dynasties and the use of wealth to gain unfair advantage.

2. Human Rights: We stand for people’s rights which includes civil and political rights, socio-cultural rights and the right to self-determination. We denounce and work to end extrajudicial killings, a culture of impunity, and all forms of human rights violations.

3. Sovereignty: We stand for a genuine national sovereignty and assert that the waters, lands, and resources of the Philippine nation should be enjoyed and principally employed in the service of the Filipino people. We denounce unequal military and economic agreements that extract resources or take advantage of our lands and waters to the detriment of the Filipino people.

To learn more about Malaya Movement USA visit:

For more info or any questions, contact:

GABRIELA USA is a grassroots-based alliance of progressive Filipino women's organizations in the United States seeking to wage a struggle for the liberation of all oppressed Filipino women and the rest of our people.

While we vigorously campaign on women-specific issues such as women's rights, gender discrimination, violence against women and women's health and reproductive rights, GABRIELA USA also addresses national and international economic and political issues that affects Filipino women.

GABRIELA USA is an overseas chapter of GABRIELA Philippines, and is a member organization of BAYAN USA and the International Women's Alliance.

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