March on the DNC 2024

We are a coalition of organizations who fight for the rights and liberation of oppressed people and against the exploitation of workers. Beginning on August 19th 2024, we will march on the Democratic National Convention in Chicago to bring the people's agenda to within sight and sound of the Democratic Party leadership.

We recognize the Democratic Party as a tool of billionaires and corporations. Their actions, such as financing genocide in Palestine and war in multiple countries; continuing the mass incarceration of Black and brown people; deporting millions of immigrants; and neglecting campaign promises made to the oppressed communities who represent their voting base, show that the Democratic Party only serves the agenda of the rich and powerful. Recent gains in the rights of oppressed people have been made by grassroots organizations in spite of a lack of support and often outright opposition from Democratic Party leaders.

History has proven what Frederick Douglass once said: “power concedes nothing without a demand.” We are calling on other grassroots organizations fighting for exploited and oppressed people to unite with us as we take the demands of the people to the Democratic Party in August 2024.

Our Actions

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