National Alliance for Medication Assisted Recovery (NAMA Recovery)

NAMA Recovery is an organization composed of medication assisted treatment patients and health care professionals that are supporters of quality methadone and buprenorphine (i.e. Suboxone, Subutex, Zubsolv, Bunavail, Sublocade) treatment. We have thousands of members worldwide with a network of international affiliated organizations and chapters in many places in the United States.

The primary objective of NAMA Recovery is to advocate for the patient in treatment by destigmatizing and empowering medication assisted treatment (MAT) patients. First and foremost, NAMA Recovery confronts the negative stereotypes that impact on the self esteem and worth of many medication assisted treatment patients with a powerful affirmation of pride and unity.

NAMA Recovery provides input on and consultation for legislative and regulatory policy at the national and various state levels to ensure that the voices of MAT patients, patient-centered providers, and individuals living in medication assisted recovery (MAR) have their interests represented. All current or former MAT patients, family, friends, and any supporters of quality, comprehensive medication assisted treatment are invited to join NAMA Recovery's organizing efforts.

NAMA Recovery is the only national organization in the United States specifically focused on representing the interests of MAT patients with a focus on empowering and destigmatized this vulnerable yet resilient population.

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