One Struggle KC

Kansas City, MO

Founded in October 2014, we stand with Ferguson and oppressed communities everywhere when we say "One Struggle!" One Struggle KC aims to engage the Kansas City community by beginning a much-needed conversation discussing how all oppression is linked. The Ferguson uprising occurred because of years of anti-Black law enforcement violence. Disproportionate policing in communities of color and poor communities has led to an unprecedented incarceration rate of members of those communities, which feeds the Prison Industrial Complex (including immigration detention centers) that profits off the backs of Black communities.

This must end! But we must be the ones who end it! And we can only end it by building solidarity among the affected communities. No longer will we stand by while a few profit off the misery of our communities. Our struggles are distinct, but they are linked. WE are connected.

There is but One Struggle - the one for Liberation from state oppression! Join us.

One Struggle Points of Unity:

1. We oppose the oppression of nations and support the right of self-determination of oppressed nations.

2. We are opposed to all forms of patriarchy and patriarchal violence and support the emancipation of women.

3. We support the liberation of all genders and oppose the oppression of LGBTQ people by institutional and cultural bigotry, violence, and other oppression.

4. We oppose class exploitation and support the struggles of the working-class and working-class activists.

5. We oppose the role of the United States as an imperialist power both locally and internationally.

CashApp: @1strugglekc
Venmo: @onestruggle-kc

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