Our Revolution Washington

Our Mission

The Washington Berniecrats Coalition is a multi-partisan network that exists to vet, promote, and support progressive issues and legislation, along with the organizations and candidates who will champion them.

Vetting of the Candidates
The candidates we suggest are vetted through our candidate questionnaire and recorded candidate interviews. We look for 100% alignment with the 2016 Sanders platform, if possible. If no candidate is a 100% match we suggest a best option. We ask all candidates to; Vow to not take corporate interest money, Sign onto the American Anti-Corruption Act Be a champion for Universal healthcare.

Why We're Doing
This Our political system has slowly been getting worse, and it's never been more clear that we need a change than during the 2016 election year primary. Blatant corruption, disregard for constituents' wants, and even disregard for our laws, have made us finally say: Enough is Enough Get Involved In the coming months and years we'll need volunteers to help get the right candidates into office: those who are committed to representing us and not corporate interests.

We're not going away, but we need your help! Please let us know how you can help us get our government to represent We The People.

Please visit us through these links as well:
Progressive Washington Media
Washington Berniecrats Coalition FB
Local Berniecrats Washington State FB

"Real change never occurs from the top on down, always from the bottom on up." Bernie Sanders

Our Revolution will reclaim democracy for the working people of our country by harnessing the transformative energy of the “political revolution.” Through supporting a new generation of progressive leaders, empowering millions to fight for progressive change and elevating the political consciousness, Our Revolution will transform American politics to make our political and economic systems once again responsive to the needs of working families.
Our Revolution has three intertwined goals: to revitalize American democracy, empower progressive leaders and elevate the political consciousness.

Our Actions

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