Move to Amend Delray Beach Affiliate/former MoveOn Council

Delray Beach, FL

We started as the MoveOn Council of South Palm Beach/North Broward as concerned people of Palm Beach County joined together to fight against the effects of corporate greed and corporate rule. A few years ago, we realized that, as long has corporations have rights under our constitution, our progressive efforts were futile, whether it relates to the right to a living wage, wage theft, immigrant rights, environmental and physical health, voting rights or the Prison Industrial Complex, We then became and active affiliate of Move to Amend.

We have had a monthly free film series in a local coffee shop showing thought provoking films followed by open discussion hoping to raise awareness and stimulate action along with street actions as the need arises.

We meet every Monday at 6pm Gizzi's Coffee Shop 2274 S US1 Delray Beach FL 33444 to discuss and plan actions/events.

Our Actions

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