Progressive Caucus of the Michigan Democratic Party

The Great State of Michigan has long been a home to working class values and progressive politics. From union uprisings in the 1930s to bipartisan environmental protection of our Great Lakes, to turning our state blue for the sake of policy, not partisanship, Michigan is a unique political battleground state.
We are the Michigan Democratic Party Progressive Caucus.
We are committed to raising wages to match generations of increased worker productivity. We are committed to breaking our addiction to fossil fuels in favor of sustainable, renewable energy. We are committed to campaign finance reform and getting big money out of politics. We are committed to making sure nobody studying in our public colleges should graduate burdened with student debt. We are committed to delivering healthcare as a human right to all our residents and American citizens.
We will help raise the voices of the powerless and hold the powerful accountable. We are grassroots organizers, policy makers, statesmen and stateswomen, rabble-rousers, thinkers, doers, lovers, and fighters. We will oppose the regressive politics of Donald Trump and Rick Snyder, but we are also not content with a stagnant status quo.
We will work to elect progressive candidates up and down the ballot in our great state. We know in our hearts that being neutral isn’t good enough, that history will judge us by what we fought for, not only what we fought against.
We will make Michigan a shining example of our collective political power as a community and as Progressive Democrats.
For Michigan, for America, join us!