Progressive Party

For the People - Progressive Party
Progressive Party USA – The Beginning

Want to know more about the past of the party – read: The Revival of the Progressive Party (1912 | 2018)
Even though Senator Bernie Sanders has embraced his role of outreach chair for the Democratic Party, many progressive supporters have joined a movement to draft him to lead a new political party. Many progressive candidates experienced how entrenched the Democratic Party is in corporate money. Progressives insist to start a new party.
In May 2018 the group and mission was endorsed and founded in June 2018 as the Progressive Party USA to bring our mission to live and to further lead the progressive movement.
“We were blessed to spend some time on the inside of the Democratic Party looking at the ways in which we could come up with a future vision. And Progressives were convinced that the Democratic Party was “old”, lacks imagination, and doesn’t have enough courage. It’s too tied to same old and does not allow new ideas and new politicians to grow. Centralist's in politics stands in the way of democracy.”
What We Stand For

Now we are united once more in our conviction that we need a Progressive Party free from these restrictions. The Progressive Party has gained significant support, there are still many supporters that need to support it to gain force for the new party.
A large majority of Americans support progressive policies like Medicare for all, free public college, and getting money out of politics. But neither major party represents the people on these issues. That’s why, over the past decade, tens of millions of Americans have left both establishment parties and that’s the base of the Progressive Party. There is an ocean of progressives far larger than either major party. The question is where can we unite the Democratic base with the enormous number of progressives? We have seen that the last year trying to unite them inside the Democratic Party was not successful. A new affiliation need to show the way. First Trump beat Hillary, and now Democratic Party affiliation has declined since the general election. The American people are leading the way to a progressive alternative. Rather than struggling against the progressive current, we should swim with it. The majority of Americans are calling for creating a major new party. The place to unite Democrats and independents is in a new people’s party, the Progressive Party.
Our Plans For Our Country

The Democratic Party once — 50 years ago — was the Progressive umbrella of most U.S. citizens, calling for good pay, social justice, universal health care, comprehensive free education, cutting-edge transport and energy infrastructure, space exploration and strong environmental protection. It was the party of union members, African Americans, Hispanics, feminists, veterans and immigrants. That was then. The party’s majority remains Progressive, but during the 1990s Clinton presidency, Democratic party leadership turned right and kept going, merging with the Republicans.
Global corporations in the 1980s bought all the print and broadcast outlets in the United States, drastically shutting down information flow, turning news into propaganda. These media preserve the illusion that there are still two parties and that both are “centrist.”
Marionettes on strings of money, politicians in both parties rake in millions in “contributions” while using taxpayer money to dole out trillions in corporate subsidy. Slashing social safety nets in order to give tax breaks to the top 1/10 of the “One Percent, they wage war on small countries not because the nations have attacked us but because weapons and fossil fuel corporations make a fortune from it. Those are rightist positions.
Gore Vidal observed in the late 1990s that, “there is only one party in the United States, the Property Party ,and it has two right wings: Republican and Democrat.”
On two right wings, a nation flies into the ground. We at minimum need a party on the left, the wing of the people.
What Path Will You Take?
The time is ripe. The Democratic and Republican parties, private political clubs, are not mentioned in the U.S. Constitution and do not represent the people who elect them, yet have a stranglehold on our electoral system. People are fed up. Hemorrhaging voters, the Dems and Reps are each down to around a fourth of the voters, already minority parties. Progressives — those who support minimum wage, social justice, strong environmental protection, 21st century infrastructure and universal healthcare and oppose corruption, invasive wars and corporate welfare — are meanwhile 66%, two-thirds of voters, the U.S. super-majority.
We as a people therefore stand at a fork in the national road.
The country’s Progressive super-majority could sweep every local, state and federal election if it united.
Should we come together in the old Democratic Party or form a new one? The Democratic Party is in many states hollow below the federal level. Senator Bernie Sanders and a contingent of young Progressives have therefore been trying for a year to fill those levels with clean candidates, with some success but only to be repeatedly kneecapped by the party’s corrupt, deeply entrenched Neoliberal leadership.
Help to make America work for all of us.
Let’s be clear, this party is not about a specific politician or candidate, it’s about a grassroots movement of Americans standing up and saying: “Enough is enough. This country and our government belong to all of us, not just a handful of billionaires.”
Our movement needs people like you involved to help it succeed. Add your name now to say you support the Progressive Party.