Public Renting campaign: Housing Living Standards and Mental Health

We areLondon Renters campaigning to create awareness of mental health issues generated or highly related to poor housing living conditions and by abusive/ negligence from landlords. We do it by providing healing through music and connecting with wider audiences building empathy and action.

With Section21 Renters Choir we are collecting the evidence from renters and making songs based on real stories whilst building a network for peer to peer emotional support as well as practical help via local meetup groups and probono advice as well as interactive performances.

We want to achieve compulsory Quality Living Standards, getting rid of rogue landlords and providing wellbeing and mental health support to Renters. Our health and distress caused by renting issues are no longer a private matter between landlord and tenant hence the name. This is a Public Health and Housing Justice campaign building a stronger sense of community through music and singing.

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