Shattering Glass -- National ERA Publication Task Force

Chicago, IL

The Shattering Glass National ERA Publication Task Force sole mission is to convince President Biden to publish the duly ratified Equal Rights Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, per Article V and 1 USC 106b. The National Archivist certified State #36, Nevada, then State #37, Illinois. In a political act, the Trump administration instructed the National Archivist on 1/6/2020 to not certify the imminent 38th and final state, Virginia. Indeed, Virginia ratified the ERA on 1/27/2022. Only President Biden can correct Presidential instructions to enable current National Archivist Colleen Shogan to perform her ministerial duties, and publish the Equal Rights Amendment as the 28th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

The "Dobbs" decision resulted. We need the Equal Rights Amendment for Dobbs, and so much more. Equality, Equity, Advancement, Opportunity, Freedom from Sexual Harassment and Violence, Comprehensive Health and Reproductive Care, Access to safe abortion, Family Law, and LGBTQIA+ Rights.

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