Rise Up Western Mass Indivisible

Rise Up Western Mass INDIVISIBLE serves the greater Springfield area in Hampden County. We are an INDIVISIBLE Group based in the First Congressional District of Massachusetts. Through organization & education, Rise Up INDIVISIBLE supports a progressive agenda at all levels of government. We believe that the unification and empowerment of the American people is healthy for democracy and reject politics infused with fear, anger, ignorance, and divisiveness. We will resist all attempts to restrict personal freedom, endanger our planet, and sacrifice those who cannot Rise Up themselves. We support, and will become ourselves, strong leaders who are intelligent, courageous, inclusive and brave. #INDIVISIBLE. Join us - we are in it for the long game.

Find more information at https://www.facebook.com/riseupwesternmass/  or http://riseupwesternmass.com/

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