Salford Green Party

We are Salford Green Party. We plan a breakthrough onto Salford City Council. The election is on May 5th!

Our lead candidate, David Jones, has been working all-out toward this election.

Salford Green Party Pledges

Greens as Councillors in Salford will carry out three Rapid, city-wide consultations on “Why Does Salford Council Charge for Rat Removal and Tips?”, “What is the Best Apartment Block Type?” and “Why have a Salford Mayor at all?! Our needs are….”

Medium term outcomes: more Council wifi points and more printing services to help learners learn; a mix of educational Clean Air Campaign actions and new policies against standing traffic; raise the home standards on landlord-owned homes; improve special rubbish-object removals; stop high levels of fly tipping via an annual Free Waste Collection Day; open a web-page for issues to be raised; create more park-like cycle routes; limit vehicles to 20 mph in certain streets; and Council to promote using more local produce in restaurants.

As Salford City councillors, we aim to improve long-term the Council’s housing to avoid using Green Belt land; plan all towers of apartments to a maximum of 9 floors; avoid any congestion charge but instead use taxes to achieve carbon neutrality; rush toward reducing Council’s use of pesticides; plan the use of people-power to improve greenery and pathways (we hope to mix volunteer and paid part-time workers); plan educational places better, notably at Nursery and Primary level; remove the Salford area from the ‘plan of the nine’ spatial framework unless conditions are met; and lastly, stop growth of industrial-plants at Port Salford whilst improving the traffic and bus services there.

Salford Green Party Manifesto 2021 here

Vote for a Green Future in large black and green letters.

Your own action point: Have you seen Flytipping? Have you seen issues with littering? Inform the council here:

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Promoted by David Jones on behalf of Salford Green Party at 12 Kenneth Square, Broughton, Salford, M7 4UP

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