Seattle U: NO ADL!

Join over 80 Seattle University students, alumni, staff, and faculty, Jewish community members, Muslim community members, and local social justice advocates and organizers in calling upon Seattle University to cancel their co-sponsorship of upcoming keynote speaker Anti-Defamation League (ADL) Director, Jonathan Greenblatt at the 42nd Clergy Institute. The ADL presents itself as a Jewish civil rights organization, but it has supported surveillance of Muslim communities, extensively collaborated with police and law enforcement agencies, and frequently attacks social justice activists and student organizers. Since 2019, the Movement for Black Lives (the national coalition of core groups of the Black Lives Matter movement) and over two hundred other national and community-based anti racist organizations have called on allies to stop working with the ADL. The ADL is controversial, divisive, and destructive both within and outside of Jewish communities.

Join us in calling on Seattle University to uphold it’s commitment to anti-racism and social justice and share why co-sponsoring this event, or partnering with the ADL at all, contradicts Seattle University’s mission.  

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