Women's March, Central FL-Volusia

Women's March Central Florida-Volusia, formerly Women's March Sister March, New Smyrna Beach, is launching a campaign of grassroots-led protests, actions, and meetings, directly confronting Members of Congress of both parties to stand up for American values and against regressive policies.
Currently, we are taking part in campaigns with the Indivisible Project and United State of Women, catalyzing the We March CFL-Volusia phenomenon into a permanent and powerful movement.
We have three goals for these campaigns:
# To educate members of Congress about issues that matter to the Sister March Network NSB Participants
# To hold members of Congress accountable for their recent votes
# To engage and mobilize women and their allies in the political process and generate public nonviolent action
“We know some members of Congress are trying to hide, but we will be relentless, showing up at Town Halls, community coffees, public events and their local offices to ensure that they hear our voice,” says Sister March spokeswoman Yordanos Eyoel. “They need to understand that we won’t tolerate this attack on our very way of life. Our democracy and American values are at stake.”
“Our goal is to have each of our members of Congress hear from us...,” says Women’s March Co-Chair Bob Bland. “We have seen the power of collective impact when women and allies stand in unity to support one another at the March and at thousands of Huddles around the country.”
The Women’s March on Washington and Sister March Network have generated unprecedented energy at the grassroots level. A historic 5 million people marched across the world at 645 marches in 84 different countries. In the U.S. alone, there were 437 marches, and in New Smryna Beach over 1,000 rallied and marched. The marches have inspired other groups, including scientists and environmentalists to stage their own marches, as well.