Start Michigan Schools Safely - Virtual Only

This group is for parents, teachers, school staff and concerned citizens that believe that decisions about reopening Michigan schools should be based on the safety of students, community, and staff.

We stand together in the request that all Michigan K-12 schools remain 100% virtual learning. Students and school staffs, like the staffs of many other government and private entities, should remain safely at home to work and learn until such time that the Coronavirus has been demonstrated to be under control as evaluated by rigorous,consistent public safety benchmarks.

We support the petition to Governor Whitmer and State Superintendents, requesting that K-12 education be held virtually only until the Coronavirus is proven to be under control for the following essential reasons:

  1. Public Health Risk-The Covid- 19 virus is not under control and students/staff and families will not be able to be kept safe in school environments.

  2. Financial Risk- The money needed to pay for extra school PPE, ongoing increased disinfecting and extra staffing needed to oversee school safety protocols, will be in the multi-millions and is not sustainable.

  3. Educational Risks- In person classroom learning will be constantly disrupted and impaired. Schools will need to remain strongly safety focused and responsive to student/staff safety which includes going back and forth between in person learning and virtual learning when increased outbreaks occur. The inconsistencies in the educational environment are proven to be extremely detrimental to student learning.

  4. Social/Emotional Risk- School and classroom environments will be very heavily modified for safety. Students will have to remain in limited areas and socially distant from teachers/friends/classmates which will be difficult and anxiety producing.

  5. Legal Risks- Schools/districts will be sued if there are any provable discrepancies in implemented school safety measures and students/staff were to become ill from the Coronavirus.

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