Stop Harvard Land Grabs!

We are Harvard students and alumni working in coalition and solidarity with those around the world who are affected by Harvard University’s destructive land grabs. We work in concert with and learn from land defenders on the front lines of local and global land speculation.

Harvard, which boasts the world’s biggest university endowment, has reportedly invested over $1 billion in land investments globally since 2008. These investments have led to vast harm to people and the environment. We believe that Harvard must take direction from those it has harmed and implement regenerative solutions to address the harm and return resources and wealth to those it has stolen from.

Our campaign will mobilize the Harvard community to pressure the Harvard Corporation, the 13 person governing body of the university, to implement reparations and stop all land investing. Furthermore, we aim to stigmatize all extractive land speculation by hedge funds, private equity, university endowments, pension funds, and other financial institutions, and provide a model for how financial institutions can repair harms that they have already done.

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