Student Debt Crisis Center

Student Debt Crisis Center (SDCC)

Student Debt Crisis is a non-profit (501c4) organization dedicated to fundamentally reforming student debt and higher education loan policies. Student Debt Crisis (SDC) takes a personal approach to member needs—working directly with borrowers to understand their challenges and fears, repayment obstacles and frustrations. SDC tackles the challenges of loan refinancing and consumer protection policies with media and legislators, as well as educating borrowers and higher education experts with lectures, webinars and special events.

SDC has grown into national prominence for its efforts to intercede on behalf of borrowers for debt resolution solutions through petitions, awareness-building campaigns, outreach, social media and meetings with lawmakers. Boasting a large and engaged membership network, the organization is an ally member of the “Higher Ed Not Debt” campaign, and has worked in cooperation with “HBO’s Real Time with Bill Maher”, Michael Moore, and the AFL-CIO to draw attention to the needs of borrowers.

It is SDC’s core belief that our nation’s success is dependent upon an educated workforce capable of the critical thinking, innovation and entrepreneurship necessary for prosperity. At the heart of our belief is the conviction that we can no longer burden students with the ever-increasing costs of higher education. Affordable and accessible education—including the equitable repayment of debt incurred—is crucial for the U.S. to maintain its position as a 21st-century global leader.

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