All T1International emails
T1International is a non-profit run by people with type 1 diabetes for people with type 1 diabetes. We support local communities around the world by giving them the tools they need to stand up for their rights. Our aim is to empower advocates to ensure that access to insulin and diabetes supplies becomes a reality for all.
T1International takes no funding from pharmaceutical or diabetes device companies in order to avoid conflicts of interest and to ensure independent advocacy. We will continue to work with advocates until affordable insulin and diabetes supplies worldwide is a reality. In 2014, T1International launched the #insulin4all campaign. Over the years, the campaign and hashtag have grown into a larger movement, particularly in the United States as insulin pricing has created a crisis for Americans with diabetes. The movement intends to draw attention to diabetes and insulin affordability issues and it is used as a rallying cry across the United States and around the globe.
T1International’s first U.S.A. #insulin4all Chapters launched in 2018, and have expanded to 40 grassroots Chapters in states across the country. These Chapters are made up of volunteer advocates, who have been instrumental in bringing insulin accessibility issues to the spotlight by sharing their stories and working with lawmakers to pass meaningful legislation to address insulin access issues and the insulin affordability crisis.