Tax the Ultra-Rich Now!

San Francisco, CA

Tax the Ultra-Rich Now (TURN), is a national campaign to raise awareness of the negative effects of extreme wealth inequality and mobilize voter support – especially in communities of color – for efforts to tax the ultra-rich.

As almost one million Americans have died and tens of millions have lost jobs and struggled to survive during the pandemic, approximately 700 US billionaires have watched their collective wealth skyrocket by 70% to more than $5 trillion. Their behavior has come into sharp public focus recently due to billionaire Elon Musk’s hostile takeover of Twitter, space races, and corrupt Russian oligarchs. More Americans are also becoming aware of how the unbridled wealth of approximately 150,000 US households – the top 0.1 percent – threatens the future of our democracy and deprives the public of critical investments in communities and the planet.

The TURN campaign will seize a tremendous opportunity to educate and mobilize voters around the huge concentration of wealth and power in the hands of the ultra-rich. And the American public is ready: As President Biden’s pollster, John Anzalone, explained in a February 2022 Impact Research memo, “raising taxes on the wealthy is more popular than virtually any other Democratic proposal” and is an issue that “will help them win races in 2022 and improve their chances of keeping Congress.”

Official partners behind the educational and/or advocacy efforts of the TURN campaign include Other98, The WhyNot Initiative, Americans for Tax Fairness, Health Care for America Now, and Working America Education Fund.

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