Together We Will Howard County, MD

We are a local progressive group taking action to: foster a safe and inclusive community; protect and secure equal rights for all people; and create a cohesive network to connect and amplify progressive issues and voices.
This group was created to be a focused place for people who live/work/spend a lot of time in Howard County to share with one another, ask for and offer support, brainstorm, and most of all take action around protecting and growing equity for ALL people and addressing related social and environmental issues. We hope to sustain this energy for years to come – caring for one another, advocating for inclusivity and equity, and being willing to take a stand. All ideas and people that align with this purpose are welcome – please invite your friends who are active in Howard County to join us. We intend for this community to be a safe and positive space (expressions of personal feelings of hurt or fear are honored). We reserve the right to remove people that are not aligned with these goals and objectives.
We are a part of the Together We Will Network and the Indivisible Network, connected to TWW and Indivisible groups across the state of Maryland and the nation. We are working closely with other like-minded local organizations in Howard County, Maryland including: People Acting Together Howard (PATH), Do The Most Good, NAACP and others. While we also work with local Democratic groups in Howard County, we are not a political group, per se, or a group advocating for a particular candidate at this time.