Transit Forward Philadelphia

Philadelphia, PA
Transit Forward Philadelphia Logo

Transit Forward Philadelphia is a coalition of Philadelphia-based organizations fighting to improve public transit in Southeast Pennsylvania.

Our Mission

Amplifying voices of riders and residents in support of a transit network that is the preferred mode of transportation in Greater Philadelphia.

Our Vision

A Greater Philadelphia region connected by a safe, accessible, and sustainable transit network that allows people, communities, and businesses to thrive.

Our Principles


Everyone in the Greater Philadelphia region benefits from transit, but some are more affected than others when it doesn’t work well. Low-income residents and residents of color are more likely to commute without a car. Transit improvements should lift up all residents, but they should be prioritized for those who rely upon transit the most.

  • Transit must be affordable for everyone in the Greater Philadelphia region.
  • Transit must be accessible to and serve everyone, especially those who rely on it.
  • Transit engagement must involve all residents and be structured to support neighborhoods and constituencies that have been left out of the conversation in the past.


Where a person can go determines the opportunities they can pursue and the resources from which they can benefit. Whether it’s the ability to move throughout the city and region or move to a new job, transit should provide all residents and visitors with reliable access to their destinations.

  • Transit should provide our talented and diverse workforce with an affordable, efficient, and dependable option to reach workplaces throughout the region.
  • Transit should be consistently on time.
  • Transit should serve people with disabilities and the aging population by anticipating and addressing their mobility needs.
  • Transit should be a convenient option for traveling throughout the region.


All forms of transportation – transit, walking, biking, and driving– should prioritize human life and safety. Transit is the safest mode of urban transportation, and shifting auto trips to transit will save lives.

  • Residents and visitors should feel and be safe regardless of their chosen method of transportation.
  • Every station and shelter, as well as each bus, train, and trolley, should be safe and clean.
  • Transit should help the City reach its Vision Zero goal and reduce traffic-related fatalities throughout the region.
  • Complete streets should include transit and design features to increase safe interactions with other modes of transportation.


Our transit system must be sustainable and resilient, so it can provide ongoing service to the entire community and continue improving to meet changing needs. It must also align with goals set by the City and international bodies related to reducing carbon emissions. The transportation sector represents about 23% of total carbon emissions in the Greater Philadelphia region. A shift toward transit (and away from cars) can reduce these emissions and help achieve climate commitments.

  • Transit improvements and options should be publicized to attract more ridership and encourage fewer people to use single-occupancy vehicles.
  • Transit improvements should be prioritized over improvements for personal vehicles.
  • Transit should transition toward net-zero carbon emissions.
  • Transit should be resilient to the effects of a changing climate.

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