Truth. Resistance. Opposition. (TRO)

Truth. Resistance. Opposition. (TRO) is a burgeoning progressive organization formed in the wake of the 2016 elections and people-powered political action network (PAN). Our mission is to be the voice of reason and opposition, calling out, confronting and opposing anti-democratic and authoritarian actions of the incoming Trump administration. We intend to build and empower the progressive grassroots to take our democracy back. We have big plans. We do believe that if every concerned American gets involved in his or her own way, we will be able to effectively discern and oppose upcoming policies that are indecent, inhumane, and un-American, ensuring our country continues to be a home we all can recognize and continue to take pride in. Our guiding principle will come from the immortal words of First Lady Michelle Obama, “When they go low, we go high!”