

The Tweetdeck workgroup aims to get messages concerning environmental issues to the public. We spread the word of scientists trying to educate people on why these issues are so important. To do this we use multiple twitter accounts amplifying one anothers messages. We analyze our succeses and try to do what works best for the Twitter algorithm to spread our tweets far and wide. We support and retweet one another and tweets by known scientists.

Tweetdeck is another way to use twitter. It allows to share accounts without sharing passwords. The Tweetdeck interface is designed for running multiple accounts.

The Tweetdeck workgroup is a part of the Fridays for Future international workgroups, please check out our other work groups too.

Scheduled tweets strategy

-Tweets are scheduled using Tweetdeck at what is dubbed "time slots", which are simply different times spread throughout the day, with 4 hour interludes. The first time slot is 9 am CET, then a tweet is scheduled from all accounts* that the person has access to on Tweetdeck, at each 4 hour interval after 9 am CET. To wit, a tweet is scheduled at 1 pm for all accounts*, the, it's 5 pm CET , again, for all accounts* and then lastly, at 9 pm CET for all accounts*. Each group of tweets at a single time slot, i.e. all the scheduled tweets from all accounts at a specific time, is called a 'round', so all the tweets scheduled from all accounts once and each time at 9 am CET is a 'round', and since there are 4 time slots each day, and each group of consecutive rounds i.e., each 4 rounds, is called a 'cycle'. Depending on the total number of available or assigned links and material available, a person may exceed the 4 rounds of a single cycle, thereby, having to open or enter into a new cycle, and that's totally ok, and even recommended if the person likes to be prolific in their tweeting. The number of scheduled tweets that each cycle bears or involves is found by multiplying the number of accounts that the person tweets from at each time slot by the number 4, so it is given by the simple formulae "4x", where "x" is the number of accounts the person tweets from each day, therefore, this will facilitate the calculation of the number of cycles the person will have to open, for example, if the person has 50 pieces of material (articles and videos) in total and each cycle holds only 20 tweets, then this will imply that the person will have 2 and a half cycles Now this is vital and it matters because it helps to have a method to easily obtain statistics not just on engagements and impressions from twitter analytics, but also be able to easily calculate, collate and analyze, the data and extrapolate by comparison what is the best path forward fro scheduling tweets based on the collating of twitter analytics pertinent to each day with the number of cycles for that specific day (which is an indicator of the number of tweets for that day). If the material is more than the number of tweets allowed by one cycle, and the person opens a new cycle, then, they have to start from the first time slot, i.e. 9 am CET.

-The tweets need to be made more interesting or captivating to people as in order to spur them onto interacting with the tweet and thereby boosting the engagement and impressions. Thus, attached to each tweet, is a pertinent, corroborating and supplementary image or photo of a revered or renowned person with an apposite quotation written on it, as to amplify and accentuate the message in the content of the tweet itself. If a felicitous or relevant photo is not available, then, the tweet is scheduled as normal and the image attachment is forgone and forsworn due to the unavailability of a pertinent image.

Note: If there is no suitable or apt photo to be attached, but the person scheduling the tweets wishes to add a photo, they should then avail themselves of Google.

-An opening thought-provoking, expressive and relevant, arousing but not too incendiary statement or question is typed at the beginning of each tweet that is descriptive of the content of the attached material, be that material an article video or something else. That is with the aim of giving the twitter audience a basic idea of what they will be reading or watching when they click on the attached link in the tweet, so that they would then decide if they're interested and wish to learn about that particular subject or matter, and could be then encouraged to open and perhaps like or retweet the tweet itself, thus, increasing the engagements and help boost impressions and amp up the engagement rate overall.

-The articles/videos shared have to adhere to the daily topics or themes and have to be relevant. There is a link to a Facebook collection of articles/videos about the climatic and environmental matters, as well as another link to another panoply of videos curated in a Youtube list, both links are available as a default source of material and are at the end of the Tweetdeck team weekly workflow document on Google docs (the same document that has the daily topics and the pertaining hashtags, so all are in one document)

-For each day, there is a different theme or subject that is tweeted about, and so, the hashtags used will naturally change each day, even though there are common hashtags for all days, such as #ClimateCrisis or #ClimateTalk. The relevant hashtags are in the Tweetdeck weekly work document on Google docs.

-#twiff is a new concept in Tweetdeck schedule-tweeting, the idea is simple; a person uses the hashtag #twiff in the format "#twiff, (no of people), (organisation), (country), (city/province/state), (city if the previous one denotes the state), then, the #twiff bot runs every hour scouring for tweets using the aforementioned hashtag, and takes the data from the tweet (hence, the data must be in that prescribed order, otherwise the bot won't be able to correctly read it, if at all) and redirects it to the FFF map or the Gamechanger website.

-Finally, we come to the call-ins. They are collectively stated in the aforementioned document. The call-ins are not part of any scheduled tweets, rather in order to save precious space on the scheduled tweets themselves and not character transgress beyond the character limit of 280 characters, the call-ins have been designated as individual quote tweets. To wit, after the scheduled tweets have been tweeted, the person opens the Tweetdeck team weekly workflow document on Google docs, and copies the call-ins, then, the person goes to Tweetdeck and from the "user" column, they click on the retweet symbol for the most recent scheduled tweets (the ones that were scheduled for that day) and clicks on "retweet with comment", and in that comment, the person pastes the previously copied call-ins, afterwards, since the total number of characters of the call-ins is in excess of the allowed character limit, the person then is resigned and forced to whittle down the list and weed out the people or accounts that they deem to be of no use to mention due to those accounts' lack of interactions with the tweets, and it is fully up to the person tweeting the call-ins to decide which accounts are to be included and which ones are to be erased or removed, to be clear no one removes or effaces any call-ins from the document itself, only from the list after it has been copied into the Tweetdeck tweeting menu or side pop-up (the area where people tweet). Afterwards, the call-ins are tweeted or scheduled-tweeted to a time no later than 1 hour away from when the time they were initially copied into Tweetdeck, and this is done for all accounts, where each accounts quote tweets each of the original scheduled tweets that were slated the previous day, with the call-ins. Each account quote tweets it's own scheduled tweets, that is how quote tweeting works by default on Tweetdeck. For instance, if a person quote tweets, using a watered-down list of call-ins, a tweet made previously and already tweeted, by FFF_Jour, then, when they press on the "retweet with comment" button and the side tweeting panel pops up, the default account of quote-tweeting will be FFF_Jour. Call-ins are made for all scheduled tweets of the most recent day of tweeting, and for all accounts.

Disclaimer: These time slots are for English scheduled tweets only, Swedish tweets follow a different pattern and adhere to a different schedule.

*: All accounts mean all the accounts that the person tweets from, and not necessarily all the accounts that they're able to tweet from. @JanineClimate only has one scheduled tweet per day, so, only at 9 am CET within the very first round of the very first cycle. That means that starting from the second cycle the number of accounts the person tweets from decreases by one, unless stated otherwise and unless there's another account from which there is also only one scheduled tweet per day.

USed accounts











  1. Basic Ideas for the Twitter algorithm
    a. Always have more followers than following.
    b. Use thread rants!
    c. Quote tweets then comments and then retweets priority to gain more coverage.
    d. Call in people
    e. Hashtags in prioritized order #KlimatVal #KlimatAlliansen #KlimatVal2022 #KlimatKris #KlimatNodlage

  2. Tweet via tweetdeck.
    a. As so few swedes are on twitter and even less use tweetdeck, until there is a problem with an actual tweet, and the feedback is not being listened to, then a person should not be removed.
    b. If you have several accounts give others access to your account via Tweetdeck. e.g. @klimatalliansen the option to use tweetdeck from your account.
    c. Even better invite others to use your account, when you feel comfortable

  3. Recommendation Tweets shall be focused on Klimat and the 15+2 demands,

  4. Any language may be used to ensure a broad audience net is cast. Priority shall be given to Swedish and then English because the audience is believed to be largest, but all languages are welcome.

  5. Each theme group will be asked to make a tweet each week.

  6. English general Climate tweet is made at 9am M-F. A Swedish tweet is preferably booked in for 8 am or 10 am. Event tweets at lunch or around lunch and retweeted regularly.

  7. Discussion for changes weekly tweetdeck meeting CET 18 Wednesdays.

Tweetdeck ‘trust’ stages

  1. Follow everyone in the chat.

  2. Ask questions in chat

  3. Using Tweetdeck with another account, eg @klimatalliansen @FFF_Jour . Creating a tweet and retweeting.

  4. Regularly interacting via tweetdeck, and taking responsibility for part of a tweetdeck process:

    1. putting up a twitter pipeline via tweetdeck

    2. answering questions via tweetdeck

  5. Teaching others about tweetdeck

  6. Sharing an account you manage to others via tweetdeck.

  7. Refining this document and manuals for tweetdeck

People Involved

@WorldChanger_WU Yusuf
@TomsTwitters Tom
@JanineClimate/@FFF_SAJ Janine OKeeffe

Accounts Involved

FridaysforFuture Australia @FFF_Aus
FridaysforFuture Journalists @FFF_Jour

Fridays4Future School Strikers Twitter: @F4F_SS Email:
Fridays4Future Youth Strikers Twitter: @F4FYStrikers Email:
Fridays4Future Strikers Twitter: @F4FStrikers Email:


Fridays For Future Contact Information, References, and Version Information

Contact Information


Version Information
Draft: Abdul Wahab Watan Dost 2022, January
Version 1: Abdul Wahab Watan Dost, Janine O'Keeffe 2022, March
Version 2: Yusuf

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