Break Free Midwest 2016

Whiting, IN

The Midwest has a long history with the fossil fuel industry, but this May we’re breaking free. We’re breaking free from an industry that’s driving the climate crisis and throwing our seasons out of whack. We’re breaking free from an industry that threads the Great Lakes region with pipelines, and puts our communities at risk with refining impacts and petcoke piles. We’re breaking free from business as usual, and we’re taking on Enbridge’s tar sands expansion plans in our region.

Right now, Enbridge’s agenda represents the biggest expansion of tar sands infrastructure in the US, and fuels refineries which have long-term impacts on local communities. We can’t afford to let them carry out their plans. We need a just transition away from tar sands to clean energy, and we need you to be a part of it.

The Midwest action plans are still coming together. The action will focus on tar sands infrastructure in the Chicago area. Sign up now to get the latest details straight from event organizers.

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