Women March in Seneca Falls2018

Syracuse, NY

Women March in Seneca Falls2018Women March in Seneca Falls2018 (WMinSF) is hosting an opportunity to gather in solidarity on January 20, 2018, 10am, at Women’s Rights National Historical Park in Seneca Falls, birthplace of women’s rights in America. Plans are well-underway for a public celebration of the 1st Anniversary of the 700 historic women’s marches of 2017.

The 2018 march and rally is called “per-Sisters for Women’s Equality,” and speakers will focus remarks on the Unity Principles of WMinSF: ending systemic racism & sexism; environmental justice; equal pay; eradicating violence against women; gender parity in elected office; LGBTQIA, immigrant, and disability rights; passage of the proposed ERA; and, reproductive rights/self-sovereignty.

This anniversary march and rally is intended to remind EVERY local, state, and national elected and appointed government official that women’s rights activists are PERSISTING in the political traditions of their foremothers. Lead organizer, Melina Carnicelli, said, “I urge women, and men, who support the hard-fought social justice gains made over the past 150 years, and who are now witnessing bold attempts at roll-backs on these non-partisan issues, to be per-Sisters! Rights belonging to women MUST NEVER BE DIMINISHED in our country, only uplifted. We call on all ‘per-Sisters’ of women’s rights as human rights to be in Seneca Falls on January 20.”

Women March in Seneca Falls2018 is an inclusive march and rally. For frequent updates: https://www.facebook.com/Women-March-in-Seneca-Falls-689489234546231/

“We’ve chosen the path to equality; don’t let them turn us around.”

-Geraldine Ferraro


WMinSF Contact: Melina Carnicelli, mcarnice@roadrunner.com

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