1846 Grove is back! Support 4 homes today

San Francisco has a housing shortage and needs to build 82,000 homes over the next 8 years to meet the state-mandated housing element plan.

Meanwhile, a plan to build 4 new homes on an empty lot at 1846 Grove St in the North of the Panhandle neighborhood has been stuck in red tape for years. The project was previously approved unanimously by the SF Planning Commission in 2021 before the Board of Supervisors effectively killed the project for spurious reasons.

But now, thanks to recently passed legislation, this project is possible again! Not only that, it only needs approval from the Planning Commission one more time to move forward - the Board of Supervisors can no longer shoot it down.

Infill projects like 1846 Grove are exactly what we need to start making a dent in the housing shortage. They add homes to existing high-resource neighborhoods like NOPA, without displacing anyone. It will be up for review at Planning on February 29th and can use all the support it can get.

Tell the Planning Commission to approve 4 homes and finally allow housing to be built on this vacant lot!

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San Francisco, CA