Tell Florida's Legislature: Don't Roll Back Child Labor Protections

No matter what we look like, or where we come from, most of us want a better future for our kids. Together, we can create a Florida where prosperity is shared and every young person has the freedom to thrive. But to do that, we must ensure that our children are protected from harm and exploitation at the hands of unscrupulous employers.
Legislation (HB 49/SB 1596) introduced in the Florida House and Senate would allow for our children to be exploited by corporations at the expense of their education and wellbeing. HB 49/SB 1596 would allow employers to schedule 16- and 17-year-olds for longer hours, without breaks, and for more than six days in a row —whether during school months or not.
Florida’s Department of Education and Department of Business and Professional Regulation both emphasize that the state’s current child labor laws are meant to protect children’s health, workplace welfare, and education. Yet, HB 49/SB 1596 would undo decades of these vital protections for Florida’s children and allow for the increased exploitation of child workers in the Sunshine State.
Contact your legislators and tell them: protect our kids' futures-- oppose HB 49/SB 1596.