Stop Liquified Natural Gas Transport Site in Port St Joe, FL

Fossil fuel industry developer Nopetro is pulling strings and manipulating government to build a massive liquified natural gas (LNG) transport facility right on top of an already polluted site located near a Black community in the rural Florida panhandle town of Port St. Joe. Nopetro's facility would increase the environmental and health damage to people. wildlife, bay, marine life, air and soil. LNG is also highly explosive in transport and contributes heavily to the health emergency created by climate change. LNG is made up of primarily methane, and methane gas is 86 times more potent at trapping heat than carbon dioxide during its first 20 years in the atmosphere. LNG is more carbon-intensive than piped gas, and 12-13% of the originall fuel is lost or consumed in the production, transport and use supply chain causing ground and water contamination.

The community has asked the rest of Florida, and the nation, to help them fight this massive battle. They need you to take action and send an email to the Gulf County Commissioners and the Port St Joe Port Authority leadership (click start writing) and tell them to protect the community and Florida's coastline!!