Tell Govenor Green to Help End the Lockout of Kapi'olani Nurses

Hawaiʻi Pacific Health, the owners of Kapiʻolani Medical Center for Women and Children, will lockout 600 nurses at the facility to coerce them into accepting the hospital’s contract offer. The lockout will start immediately following a planned one-day unfair labor practice strike by the nurses set for September 13th, 2024.  

The strike was called to protest Kapiolani Medical Center’s ongoing bullying and retaliation of nurses for reporting unsafe staffing incidents and voicing their concerns for patients’ safety. Unsafe staffing occurs when there are too few qualified nurses on a shift to adequately address the needs of each patient they care for. Study after study has shown that unsafe staffing hurts patient care, leading to worse health outcomes, including higher mortality rates.

The nurses have been working without a contract since December 1st, 2023 as they refuse to give up on winning a contract that will hold the hospital accountable for unsafe staffing incidents.    

Now every hospital and employer across the country is watching to see if workers and our community will allow HPH to get away with locking out their employees. Nurses at Kapiʻolani are prepared to fight and they need your help.

Please send a letter to Governor Green and ask him to lead by intervening in the lock out and showing Hawai’i business leaders that lock outs have no place in Hawai’i.

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