Tell Chairman Ginter: Hold hearings on the Family Leave bill (HB550)
The United States is the only industrialized country in the world without some form of guaranteed, legally-protected paid leave. Because of that shortfall, only 15 percent of workers have access to paid family leave, and that drops to a mere four percent among low-wage workers. Paid family and medical leave policies provide workers with financial support that they need to take time off of work to care for a loved one or address their own health issue without risking their economic security.
Ohio House Bill 550 - introduced by Representatives Boggs and Boyd - would create an insurance program funded by employee payroll deductions estimated to cost workers between $25 to $30 per year. The program allows for workers to continue earning a percentage of their paycheck for up to 12 weeks of leave to:
Care for and bond with a newborn, newly-adopted child, or newly-placed foster child
Care for a family member with a serious health condition
Address one’s own medical health condition
Paid family leave is good for women, families, businesses, and the economy. It improves critical health outcomes for mothers and babies. Paid leave policies for mothers and fathers increase the level of women’s employment and participation in the regional workforce, and contribute to higher levels of employment rates and wages for mothers in the years following childbirth. The policy has been shown to have numerous benefits for local employers by improving employee retention, job satisfaction, and productivity and helping employers compete for top talent.